Carl McCosker
Owner, Brush Bust’n Boers
I was raised in the Gold Country foothills of the Northern Sierra Mountains near Grass Valley, California. I participated in the Future Farmers of America program raising and showing sheep, hogs, and cattle. With a focus on meat production, I continued raising sheep until I began a law enforcement career in the early 90’s.
After my retirement from law enforcement in 2011, I returned home to Grass Valley and began raising South African Boer meat goats. Unavailable in the United States prior to 1993, I found the animals unlike any other livestock I had known. Their ability to clear land, their hardiness, productiveness, and unusually social behavior as compared to other livestock continues to be a fascination.
I continued to expand my knowledge, experience, and education about meat goats. I became a certified FAMACHA instructor (A system of monitoring and managing internal parasites in small ruminants) through the University of Georgia. I earned an associates of science degree in Sustainable Agricultural at Sierra College. I also became the meat goat leader in our local 4-H club and served as the Nevada County-wide Meat Goat Coordinator.
My mission as a business owner and shepherd is to keep happy goats; working with nature, to make our lands safer, healthier, better.