Breeding & Brushing Goats

Each Fall, after the targeted grazing season concludes for the year, I begin selling the kid crop.

A paint Boer goat doe for breeding and land clearing.

I offer wethers that have been de-horned. They are ideal for butchering and putting in your freezer, or for low maintenance grazers.

I have young female does that will be ready for breeding next year.

• These goats have been trained to stay inside energized netting systems

• They are accustomed to Livestock Guardian Dogs.

• They have been trained to load into a stock trailer with the use of herding stock dogs

Goat sales are open from November thru December 2023. Prices range from $250.00 to $375.00 per goat.


Want to purchase some goats? Let Carl know, and he’ll contact you with details for viewing.