Brush Bust’n Boers began in 2011 with the purchase of six South African Boer Meat Goats.
Originally purchased to clear my family’s five acres of brush-covered property in Rough and Ready, California, I was surprised by the arrival of twins from one of the six does. One of those twins was shown by my niece at the Nevada County Fair, doing very well as a market wether. My nieces have continued to show market goats in both 4-H and FFA and I have become a 4-H leader. We have been blessed to have won numerous reserve, grand, and supreme grand champion meat goats in these shows.
Since that first competition, I have steadily improved the quality my Boer Goats. I went to Texas - the heart of the Boer Goat industry in the United States - and purchased breeding stock out of the great foundation Boer sire “Tarzan” which improved our goats’ structure, growth rates, and parasite resistance. I have begun marketing this unique breeding stock for purchase here in California.
In addition to raising project and breeding animals, Brush Bust’n Boers operates a custom goat land clearing enterprise. Using portable electric fences, the goats are moved from one property to the next. They eat the brush, grass, and many of the noxious weeds that make foothill land inaccessible, overgrown, and highly susceptible to wild fires. This symbiotic, sustainable, and environmentally safe use of goats to keep properties clear improves the quality of the soils, the health of the remaining vegetation and the local watershed.
If you are looking for project goats, breeding stock, or having your land custom cleared with goats, please contact us here at Brush Bust’n Boers. Ranch tours, stock inspection, and land clearing bids are available upon request.
Carl McCosker, Owner, Brush Bust’n Boers